Experimental study for effect of mean volumetric diameter on ice adhesion strength
Ice adhesion strength is the interaction between the ice and the solid substrate. Research about how experimental parameters influence ice adhesion strength is important to the understanding of the mechanism of ice adhesion strength, the developing of anti-ice method and the analysis of the Ice shedding. In the experiments, the same substrate and the liquid water content are used, and the ice adhesion strength is measured at different temperatures (-25~0℃) and different mean volumetric diameters (40, 80 and 250μm). Different from freezer ice, there exists a turning point for impact ice as the pattern of the ice adhesion strength changes due to the variation of temperature, which can be called the critical temperature. As the temperature decreasing from 0℃, above the critical temperature the ice adhesion strength does not depend on whether it is freezer ice or impact ice. But below the critical temperature, the ice adhesion strength of impact ice is lower, with the ice regime transforming from glaze ice to rime ice. The critical temperature changes as the mean volumetric diameter changes, so as the variation trend of the ice adhesion strength.