李小路, 唐凯, 雷鸣. 飞机垂尾抖振响应的飞行试验研究[J]. 实验流体力学, 2014, (2): 21-26. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20130058
引用本文: 李小路, 唐凯, 雷鸣. 飞机垂尾抖振响应的飞行试验研究[J]. 实验流体力学, 2014, (2): 21-26. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20130058


  • 摘要: 介绍了国内外垂尾抖振试飞的最新进展情况,并就抖振试飞中可以采用的试飞方法,从理论上进行了分析。飞行试验采用收敛转弯的试飞方法,通过在左、右垂尾上加装的振动加速度传感器,得到了不同马赫数下垂尾的抖振响应情况。在对数据进行均方根分析、时频分析和自功率谱密度分析等方法的基础上建立起抖振响应和迎角、频率的关系后发现:垂尾抖振响应主要集中在垂尾低阶模态频率上;垂尾的抖振响应随迎角、马赫数的增加而增加,其中受迎角的影响大于受马赫数的影响;且飞机在超过初始抖振迎角以后,随迎角的继续增加,垂尾翼尖后缘处的抖振响应显著大于垂尾翼尖前缘位置。


    Abstract: This paper introduces the latest developments about flight tests of the vertical-fin buffeting from domestic and overseas.Deduces and analyses theoretically on the flight test meth-od for buffeting flight test are done.In domestic,the analysis of buffeting mostly focuses on the-oretical derivation and wind tunnel test up to now.But in actually flight,the result usually has some difference with theoretical derivation and wind tunnel test.In order to find the variation of buffeting in flight test,six acceleration-sensors on the vertical-fin are installed,including tip of leading edge,middle of leading edge and tip of trailing edge both in left and right vertical-fin.In flight test,wind-up-turn flight method is used at pressure altitude of 10000 meters,Mach from 0.65 to 0.95.From the test,the buffeting response of the vertical-fin in different Mach numbers is got.Then by the analytical method of root-mean-square (RMS),time-frequency analyses and power-spectrum-density (PSD),establishing the relation between buffeting response and either angle of attack (AOA)or frequency,given the initial angle of attack at different Mach numbers, we can find that the buffeting response is in accord with the variation in strouhal equation.The response mainly is in low-order model frequency of the vertical-fin,and this key frequency chan-ges with flight state and measuring position.The vertical-fin buffeting response increases with the increase of both the angle of attack and Mach number,and the angle of attack influences more.After plane exceeds initial buffeting angle of attack in flight,the buffeting response of the after edge in the tip of the vertical-fin is significantly greater than that of the leading edge with the increase of the angle of attack.


