
Examining the k-ε(RNG)model and LES of flow feature and turbulence dispersion around a building by means of wind tunnel tests

  • 摘要: 采用k-ε(RNG)与LES湍流模型在来流与建筑物迎风侧呈不同角度的情形下,模拟了位于立方体建筑物顶部污染源所排放污染物的流动和扩散规律,并与相应的风洞试验结果进行了比较.流场分析结果表明:数值模拟能够较好地模拟建筑物顶部回流、背风侧空腔区以及再附着点等.浓度场分析结果表明:来流与建筑物成45°时,建筑物顶部回流区与背风侧空腔区的数值模拟结果略低于风洞试验结果;来流与建筑物成90°时,建筑物顶部回流区数值模拟结果略高于风洞试验结果,而背风侧空腔区的数值模拟结果与风洞试验结果基本一致.综合分析表明:建筑物周围的流场影响浓度场的分布,LES、k-ε(RNG)模型都能够较好地模拟建筑物周围的流动和扩散规律,两种模型相比,LES模型与风洞试验吻合得更好.总之,风洞试验和数值模拟相结合能较好地研究建筑物对流动和扩散的影响.


    Abstract: Flow and dispersion of gases emitted by vents located on its roof was simulated using the k-ε(RNG)and the LES turbulence model in different wind direction,and numerical results were compared with wind-tunnel tests.The result of simulation shows that numerical simulation can better simulate flow field structure around the building,especially the downwind horseshoe vortex,upwind face stagnation location,roof-top vortex and reattachment lengths were reproduced almost exactly by all turbulence models,etc.The result of concentration shows that for an oblique wind angle,the differences among the predicted concentrations of the turbulence models are small on the roof and behind the cube.This tendency is contrary to that for a 90° wind angle.It was confirmed that the prediction accuracy of the velocity field strongly affected that of the concentration field.Analysis shows that numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the wind tunnel tests in the windward side and the roof-top backflow of the building.However,numerical simulation results are slightly higher than ones from wind tunnel tests in the rear cavity.As a whole,compared with wind tunnel tests,the LES model can better simulate the flow field and concentration field around the cube.In general,in order to estimate the environmental impact of building effectively,it is necessary to combine wind tunnel test with numerical simulation.


