
Estimates value of the expected wind speed in straits area wind environment using extreme value distribution scheme

  • 摘要: 根据《公路桥梁抗风设计规范》,对于特别重要的桥梁要求对桥址处的设计基本风速进行重新观测或参考实测风速样本进行推算得到,选取合理的基本设计风速.本文选取厦门一漳州跨海大桥附近的厦门市专业气象台和龙海市气象局360个月的极值10分钟平均时距的风速和风向标准值,采用3种极值分布概型推算出不同重现期内的设计风速.得出了厦门海峡桥址处100年一遇的期望风速为35.8 m/s,小于规范给出的厦门地区100年一遇基本设计风速39.7m/s.


    Abstract: For important bridges,it is required by the Wind-resistant Design Code for Highway Bridges that a reasonable basic design wind speed be selected from the results obtained either by re-observing the basic design wind speed at bridge site or by referring to the samples of measured wind speed.In this paper,the design wind speed of Xiamen-Zhangzhou Cross-sea Bridge corresponding to different return period was calculated using three extreme value distribution schemes with the extreme value of the wind speed and its corresponding wind direction standard value taken from 360 months' 10-minute-time-interval observation by Xiamen Observatory and Longhai Weather Bureau.It is obtained that the 100-year return period expected wind speed at the bridge site is 35.8m/s,lower than 39.7m/s as given in the Code.


