
Research of the continuous scan test method for inlet in low wind tunnel

  • 摘要: 在中国空气动力研究与发展中心FL–13风洞对进气道连续扫描低速风洞试验方法进行了初步研究。提出了进气道连续扫描试验方法和流程,给出了连续扫描试验数据处理方法,并在FL–13风洞开展了进气道常规试验方法与连续扫描试验方法的对比试验。两种方法试验结果一致性较好,所获得的进气道出口截面气动特性参数差值远小于国军标精度要求。试验结果验证了进气道连续扫描试验方法的有效性和可行性。与进气道常规试验方法相比,连续扫描试验方法能够大幅度提高试验效率,同时还能够获得更多的有效试验数据。


    Abstract: The continuous scan test method for the inlet of airplane was studied in the FL–13 wind tunnel of CARDC (China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center). The test methods and procedures were proposed and the test data processing methods were also provided. Inlet tests were performed in the FL–13 wind tunnel to compare the conventional test method with the continuous scan test method. The test results with the continuous scan test method have a good consistency with the conventional test method, which verifies the availability and feasibility of the continuous scan test method for the inlet in the low speed wind tunnel. The research results show that the continuous scan test method can raise the tests efficiency and acquire more test data for the inlet test in the wind tunnel.


