
Research progress of the ice crystal icing in aero-engine

  • 摘要: 一般认为经过风扇压缩后空气温度高于冰点,压气机内不会发生结冰。然而近年来,国外研究者对若干起发动机推力损失故障的研究表明冰晶能够引起压气机内部结冰,并在试验室中再现了温度高于冰点时压气机内结冰这一现象。我国在航空发动机冰晶结冰研究方面刚刚起步,为准确掌握国内外研究现状,从数值和试验两方面对国内外已开展的压气机内结冰研究进行了分析与总结,讨论了当前冰晶结冰的主要研究成果和存在的局限,提出了开展冰晶结冰研究需重点关注的方向,为我国航空发动机冰晶摄入结冰研究和适航审定研究提供一定参考。


    Abstract: It is believed that the temperature of air compressed by fan is higher than the freezing point, therefore the compressor would not freeze. However, researchers found in several engine thrust loss accidents occurred in recent years that the ice crystal can lead to compressor icing. The researchers have reproduced this phenomenon in the lab. Ice crystal icing research in the area of aero-engine has just started in China. In this paper, the ice crystal icing issues are analyzed and discussed from both numerical research and experimental research aspects. The highlight and limitation are also included. The research focus which should be paid attention to is proposed in the end. This paper can give some reference for engine icing study and certification.


