In order to obtain complex pressure changes of the spinning missile model, an embedded wireless pressure measurement system was designed, which can simultaneously acquire 8 pressure channels at a sampling frequency of 1 kHz. The absolute pressure measurement system has a range of 30 PSI and a static measurement error of less than 5/10 000. After connecting a 10 cm pressure measuring hose, the delay of the system is less than 1.16 ms, and the signal amplitude attenuation is less than 1%. By using the embedded wireless pressure measurement system, the model surface pressure test was carried out in a high-speed wind tunnel. The pressure in the critical area of the spinning missile model is measured and the dynamic characteristic of the surface pressure is obtained. The result shows that the unsteady pressure measurement technique proposed in this paper can synchronously measure the surface pressure of rotating model, which provides an effective unsteady surface pressure measurement method for wind tunnel test of rotating missile.