
宋威, 鲁伟, 蒋增辉

宋威, 鲁伟, 蒋增辉. 超声速飞行器头罩分离风洞投放模型试验[J]. 实验流体力学, 2017, 31(6): 45-50, 70. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20170026
引用本文: 宋威, 鲁伟, 蒋增辉. 超声速飞行器头罩分离风洞投放模型试验[J]. 实验流体力学, 2017, 31(6): 45-50, 70. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20170026
Song Wei, Lu Wei, Jiang Zenghui. Wind tunnel drop model test of nose cap separation of supersonic vehicle[J]. Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 31(6): 45-50, 70. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20170026
Citation: Song Wei, Lu Wei, Jiang Zenghui. Wind tunnel drop model test of nose cap separation of supersonic vehicle[J]. Journal of Experiments in Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 31(6): 45-50, 70. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20170026



    宋威(1986-), 男, 安徽宿州人, 工程师。研究方向:非定常空气动力学, 多体分离与干扰特性。通信地址:北京市7201信箱16分箱(100074)。E-mail:qxj19860128@126.com


    宋威, E-mail: qxj19860128@126.com

  • 中图分类号: V211.7;V212.1

Wind tunnel drop model test of nose cap separation of supersonic vehicle

  • 摘要: 采用风洞投放模型试验方法对稠密大气层内超声速飞行器两瓣罩旋转分离的运动特性进行研究,试验复现了飞行器两瓣罩旋转分离的整个动态运动过程,并得到飞行器头罩分离后两瓣罩运动轨迹和姿态角的变化规律,试验马赫数Ma=1.5。研究表明:飞行器两瓣罩在预置弹簧力作用下张开一定角度,气流进入两瓣罩腔内后压力迅速升高,高动压气流会对两瓣罩在分离过程中的受力情况产生重要影响,当两瓣罩根部与弹体间的铰链在临界解锁角η0分离进入"自由飞行"阶段后,两瓣罩的运动轨迹和姿态角主要由气动力控制;弹体飞行迎角α=0°时,上下两瓣罩的运动轨迹和姿态角基本对称,弹体飞行迎角α=-5°时,上下瓣罩的运动轨迹和姿态角明显不对称性,弹体迎角α对两瓣罩分离特性影响比较显著。
    Abstract: This paper studies the motion characteristic of the nose cap revolving separation of the supersonic vehicle in the stiff atmosphere by the wind tunnel drop model test and acquiares the law of the centroid distance and pitch angle variance for the two part nose cap when the nose cap separate. The experiment Mach number is Ma=1.5. The study shows that when the nose cap splays out by the intrinsic constringent spring, the high dynamic pressure afflux into the antrum of the two nose cap and makes the nose cap go round and round by caudal gemel. Then the mantle break away from the forebody when the rotate angle arrive at the preconcerted angle, the aerodynamic force is several orders of magnitude greater than the inertial force, the nose cap trajectory is absolutely controlled by the aerodynamic force and the mantle statement changes violently. The two nose cap have a symmetrical motion distance and pitch angle in the angle of attack α=0°, however, the separate characteristic is unsymmetrical in the angle of attack α=-5°. The angle of attack for the supersonic vehicle has a prominent effect on the motion characteristic for the two nose cap. The study can provide an according and reference for the nose cap separation precept and flighting control system.
  • 图  1   FD-12亚跨超风洞

    Fig.  1   FD-12 sub-tran-supersonic wind tunnel

    图  2   风洞试验模型示意图

    Fig.  2   The sketch of wind tunnel model

    图  3   头罩分离机构示意图

    Fig.  3   The sketch of separate machine

    图  4   头罩参考坐标系示意图

    Fig.  4   Coordinate of the nose cap

    图  5   迎角α=0°,β=0°头罩分离序列图像

    Fig.  5   The sequence photo of nose-cap separation in α=0°, β=0°

    图  6   迎角α=0°时上下瓣罩运动轨迹与俯仰角时间历程

    Fig.  6   History of distance and pitch angle for two nose cap centroid in α=0°

    图  7   迎角α=-5°,β=0°头罩分离序列图像

    Fig.  7   The sequence photo of nose-cap separation in α=-5°, β=0°

    图  8   迎角α=-5°时上下瓣罩运动轨迹与俯仰角时间历程

    Fig.  8   History of distance and pitch angle for two nose cap centroid in α=-5°

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-03-05
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