表面摩擦应力油膜干涉测量技术在 Mα=8的应用

Application of oil film interferometry technique at Mα=8

  • 摘要: 在Φ0.5m高超声速风洞中开展了表面摩擦应力油膜干涉测量技术在Ma=8的应用研究。在记录干涉图像的同时,使用红外热像仪记录模型表面温度,通过标记点进行坐标转换,获得测量点处油膜的温度,对比地面校准中获得的硅油黏性-温度曲线,确定油膜的实际黏性系数,从而提高摩擦应力测量精度。开展了平板模型摩擦应力测量试验,不同黏性硅油测得结果的标准偏差与平均值的百分比不超过10%,试验结果与平板层流边界层理论估计值吻合。


    Abstract: The application of oil film interferometry (OFI)technique at Ma=8 was conducted in the Φ0.5m hypersonic wind tunnel.Accurate viscosity coefficient of the oil film was derived from the viscosity-temperature curve by analyzing the infrared images which were recorded simul-taneously with the fringe pictures.Based on the marker spots,the relationship between infrared images and fringe pictures was figured out.A test of skin friction measurement on a flat plate model using OFI technique was conducted.The results show that the standard derivation of the measured viscosities to the mean value is less than 10%.Test results are consistent with the the-oretical estimation according to boundary layer theory for laminar flow on a flat plate.


