Two-hundred meter free flight ballistic range is the only one comprehensive ballistic range equipment in China that can carry out aerodynamics test,aero physics test,erosion and hypervelocity impact.In order to meet the demand of the hypervelocity aero craft development, the equipment has been upgraded since 2009 .The upgraded equipment includes launch system, the chamber and vacuum system,velocity measurement and control system,photogram and ori-entation system.The launch system will be equipped with 203mm and 120mm bore two-stage light-gas guns.The weight of the model that the launchers can launch are from 0.5kg to 30kg, and the model velocity is from 0.3km/s to 5km/s.The diameter of the tank will be increased from 1.5m to 3m.At the same time,The range will equipped with new vacuum system,which can realize the simulation of altitude from 0km to 80km.Velocity measurement and control sys-tem will meet the big model measured requirement.Except shadow and schlieren equipment,the position system of double eyes front light imaging,X-ray imaging and measurement system will be constructed.After upgrading,from small to big bore two-stage light-gas guns will be e-quipped in the launcher system of 200m free-flight ballistic range,and the test abilities of the range will be improved in aero-dynamic test,erosion,high and hypervelocity impact test.